Hello Nebinger Families! We just received this information and wanted to share ASAP. The School District of Philadelphia is offering all PreK-2 families the option of remaining 100% digital or transitioning to a mix of in-person and digital remote learning for students (hybrid learning). If a parent selects the hybrid learning option, their…
FACT Online Catalog: October 2020 This October, find a new slate of Family Academy Online workshops, specifically designed for School District of Philadelphia families to help support their students during remote learning and beyond. Find workshops on the school selection process, supporting kindergarteners during digital learning, and more! This month, we’ve adjusted the start times of…
Join Zoom Meeting https://philasd-org.zoom.us/j/ 81247372175?pwd= YXNKalEzdVgzbmZ1NC9BM2trTmxFUT 09 Meeting ID: 812 4737 2175 Passcode: 372238 One tap mobile +12678310333,,81247372175# US (Philadelphia) Dial by your location +1 267 831 0333 US (Philadelphia) Meeting ID: 812 4737 2175 Find your local number: https://philasd-org.zoom.us/u/ kkIRZKBNH
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Are you raising your grandchildren in Philadelphia? Generations United, nonprofit agency based in Washington, DC that seeks to improve the lives of children, youth, and older adults through intergenerational programs, policies, and strategies across the country, is conducting the Grandfamilies Project of Philadelphia. This project, with support from the William Penn Foundation, will survey grandparents raising their…
Join us for the Nebinger Virtual Back to School Night! October 7th, 2020 from 5:30pm-7:30pm Teachers and staff will be sharing links for classroom visits. Please check ClassDojo and the Nebinger website for that information. Additional staff members will also be sharing links for anyone needing to connect!
Hello Nebinger Family! I hope virtual learning has been going well for everyone! I can say that personally, it brings me so much needed joy to see the children’s smiling faces when I log into their classes for art time. I hope they too are experiencing joy in their learning. And on to the updates! School Calendars Since…
Hello Families, This is the School District of Philadelphia with important updates about grab-and-go meals and Chromebook support centers. Starting this week, distribution of student grab-and-go meals at our 63 school sites will change from Thursdays to Fridays with an expanded pick up time of 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Again, beginning THIS FRIDAY, September 18,…