8/22/21 Townhall Notes

Posted on July 23, 2021
Categories: Uncategorized

See below for notes and Q&A from the “Ring the Bell” Townhall held on July 22, 2021 at 5:30pm.


Start time of 9am with a dismissal of 3:39pm. This was a district decision.

Staff voted to keep the time the same, but the district overruled that.

Work in progress to make morning clubs. Staff are responding to the all call for club ideas.

Q- Will children have their choice of clubs? Will it be fluid?

A- Same program for the entire year. They will be choosing their clubs. There will be limits on the number of students in each club.

Q- Will the be chosen before the first week of school?

A- Goal is to mail that info out the first week of August.

Q- Will there still be afterschool clubs?

A- Yes.

Q- Will there be a pivot in pick up times from the afterschool programs that take students.

A- Yes, but we do not know the details in its entirety.

Q- Will there be accommodations for the children in special education classes?

A- Yes. Part of the programs will be working with the SPED team to make sure they are staffed. We cannot promise that all will have an AS teachers, but staff will be available to monitor them.

Q- How will we fill out info for clubs?

A- It will all be digital. Paper copies will be available.

Q- Will there be a cost to the parent/caregiver ?

A- No. We have extra curricular funding set aside.

Q- New students to Nebinger…will they get the info in the mail at the same time?

A- We are hopeful they will. We still need info from 440 on new students and kindergarten students.

Q- How can parents help?

A- We will let you know! And we will add a section on the form to choose clubs

Q- Any fundraising?

A- Working with PTA and forming a new fundraising committee with the school

Q- Uniforms- Where do we get them and what do they have to be?

A- Uniforms will be changing in a roll out. More info to come. Currently hunter green top and khaki bottom. Middle school will start the changeover

Q- Is the change in bell time going to push the rest of the schedule back? For example lunch time?

A- Yes, everything pushed back. 45 minute periods. 1st lunch at 10:30… and so on.

Q- Has it been communicated that all students will be returning?

A- The communication from the district has been that it is a full school year with 100% in person learning. Things can still change from day to day, so it’s important to check in with the district.

Q- How do I get communications from the school?

A- Your information on SIS and Parent portal needs to be accurate and up to date. Ms. G (secretary) will be updating information from what you fill out in the contact forms.

Q- Do students need to bring in their laptop / Chromebook everyday?

A- Yes. And we have not received any info yet on Kindergarten for this.

Q- Has the district decided on masking?

A- We will all have to wear masks still. Covering the mouth AND nose

Q- Will you be able to tell us what to tell our children to expect in the classroom i.e. will it be like hybrid?

A- It will be a “normal” year.

Q- Is there a possibility to expand outdoor time for kids, like longer recess or other breaks?

A- As long as 180 minutes of instruction time happens, we will continue to encourage brain breaks.

Q- Will they be doing everything in their classroom (PE, music, lunch) like hybrid or will there be more movement?

A- There will be more movement! Transitions to all the other classes etc. Technology will be held in their class.

Q- How many kids in each k class?

A- Capping it at 25. Early August we will have a better idea. We now have 2 k classes. No longer 3 because of space.