Admission & Dismissal

Nebinger Start Time: 9:00 am
Nebinger Dismissal Time: 3:39 pm
1/2 day dismissal time: 12:39 pm

Nebinger Admissions and Dismissal Procedures



The front office opens at 9:15am. Please schedule all visits starting at 9:15am. Parents

will not be admitted into the building until 9:15 am

7:45-8:30 – Morning Club Admissions (Students will be served breakfast in morning club)

8:30-8:50 – No Admission- Due to transitions to regular admission, Students will not be
admitted between 8:30 and 8:50. It is imperative for students to arrive before 8:30am.
8:50-9:00 – General Admissions

● AS Programming- Front Entrance
● K-2 – School yard/ outside admission
● 3-5 – School yard/Auditorium admission
● 6-8 – Transition through outside stairwell



Absolutely NO Early Dismissals after 3:00 pm

Parking is not permitted in front of the building, on Carpenter Street during dismissal.

3:30 pm –  AS Dismissal- A staff member will greet parents at the car and retrieve the name of
the student for dismissal. Parents of our AS program who are walking are to provide the name of the student at the front door, the student will be retrieved for dismissal.
Grades 1-3 dismiss from the schoolyard

3:35 pm – Kindergarten dismiss from the auditorium & Grades 6-8 dismiss from schoolyard

3:39 pm– Grades 4-5 dismiss from schoolyard