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Nebinger Art Double News Exposure! 11/29/2021

These amazing PA design ornaments will be on display on the Pennsylvania Tree around the National Christmas Tree as part of the National Park Services Christmas Tree Lighting Celebration. Nebinger was THE ONLY school in PA chosen for this honor. The following students made the ornaments seen below: Roxanne Spellman, Jack Troy, Pei Yang, Concepcion…

Report Card Conference Resources

Report Card Conference Resources

Attendance Winners!

Attendance Winners!

Room 306Room 208 room 402

Door Decorations from Hispanic Heritage Month

Door Decorations from Hispanic Heritage Month

10/16/2021 Nebinger Garden Clean Up

10/16/2021 Nebinger Garden Clean Up

Thank you to Dr. D and community volunteers for cleaning up the Nebinger garden and yard spaces on a Saturday afternoon!

Lost and Found 10/19/21

Items left behind in the lost in found and not claimed before the end of the quarter will be donated after report card conferences. Please claim your children’s belongings ASAP. Lost and found is on a table in the back of the auditorium. Pro-tip: write their name in/on their items and it can be more…

Student of The Month for September 2021

Student of The Month for September 2021

National Coming Out Day

See Dr. D’s video for National Coming Out Day- October 11.

Nebinger Open House Photos

Nebinger Open House Photos