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Archive for August, 2020

Email Blast from 8/28/20

Hello Parents! Start day is getting closer and closer. Are you and your kiddos ready? Teachers are working hard to get their virtual classrooms and Class dojos set up, as well as preparing for materials distribution. This is no easy feat, and we will all have a journey of learning together ahead of us! Us…

Classroom Virtual Orientations

Click below to find your child’s virtual orientation:

Middle School Meet and Greet!

Middle School Meet and Greet!

8/26/2020 Email Blast

Hello Nebinger Families! Day 1 is getting closer and closer!! Nebinger Faculty has been busy at work with our virtual training. As teachers continue their preparations and virtual classroom setups, you can look forward to being connected to ClassDojo, and for your students to get connected to Google Classrooms. Kindergarten rosters are uploaded to the…

Attention Kinder Families!

Kindergarten Chromebooks distribution and supply distribution will take place on Wednesday, 9/2 at 9:00am!

Free Saturday Virtual Art Class!!!

Free Saturday Virtual Art Class!!!

Back pack giveaways

Back pack giveaways


Grades K-1 Virtual Learning Overview Parent Meeting

Grades K-1 Virtual Learning Overview Parent Meeting

  Topic: K-1 Virtual Learning Overview Time: Aug 26, 2020 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 894 5225 1942 Passcode: Neb

Spanish Townhall

Spanish Townhall

Nebinger jumpstarts the new school year with our Spanish Speaking Parent Townhall! We are gearing up!!

Where to find supervised, connected Access Centers for digital learning

Click the link below to find information on connected access centers for digital learning. Signups are on a first come first serve basis!